Blood & Steel, Book 4: The Monk
Released October 2017
Published by D20PFSRD Publishing
I was contracted to write the fourth installment in the Blood & Steel series of class expansion books after the success of my previous entry. The Blood & Steel books are intended to expand on martial classes in the roleplaying game Pathfinder 1e (a class being a type of character you can play as within the game). Each book introduces new archetypal versions of these classes with new abilities; as well as new equipment for them. For this particular entry I focused on the Monk class and decided to pull inspiration from martial arts styles from around the world. I tried to break out of traditional depictions of martial arts and looked for inspiration in styles like Arnis from the Philippines and Kapu Kuialua from Hawaii.
Blood & Steel, Book 3: The Cavalier
Released August 2017
Published by D20PFSRD Publishing
In 2017 I saw a job listing on the Pathfinder website D20PFSRD looking for authors to help create expansions to the game. Having played the game since its inception I felt uniquely qualified to try my hand at it. The result was the third entry in the Blood and Steel series, which focused on one of my favorite classes; the cavalier. For this book I found a great deal of inspiration from history. The cavalier has always been Pathfinder’s stand in for the European knight but I wanted to expand the definition. While I did pull from some traditional examples like the winged hussars of Poland and Mordred from Arthurian legend, I also pulled from Greek and Roman militaries and Native American mounted warriors when designing the archetypes.
MANIA: The Faces
Released August 2017
Published by A.L.Ex Studios
The MANIA series of comics were intended to explore the similarities between super powers and disabilities; how powers in media can often be a metaphor for those we see as different. Many people with disabilities have unique viewpoints and can benefit society with their input. At the same time, when accessibility isn’t granted to those with disabilities, or, worse, people with disabilities are actively discriminated against, the world as a whole suffers for it. The third issue of MANIA struck a darker tone; following the series’ primary antagonists as they set about trying to squash the growing resistance to their authoritarian control. The villain “Jack” was intended to illustrate what happens when mental health is shunned and our own insecurities and inner demons are allowed to flourish.
MANIA: The Light
Released December 2016
Published by A.L.Ex LLC
The second issue of MANIA, The Light focused on the relationship between the hero "Iris" and the villain "Prism" and the complexities of their self-imposed roles. Early in development I had come up with the idea that each issue would follow a different character in the MANIA universe; setting up a core cast the story would unfold around. Where the protagonist of the first issue was a standard hero, and the third issue would follow a clear villain, the second issue centered around two characters who fell somewhere in the middle. While Iris is fighting against a tyrannical system, she is cold and cruel whereas Prism is ostensively assisting the villains while also trying to save the life of her former partner. The two also served as analogies for the struggles of disorders like OCD and ADHD.
MANIA: The Shift
Released April 2016
Published by A.L.Ex LLC
This is where MANIA began. The scope of this issue was a lot smaller than the others; focusing on a short encounter between a hero and villain in the MANIA universe; Jumpstart and Midna. Since this was the first issue a lot of the pre-production work for the whole series was wrapped into its production. We roughed out the city, the characters in it, and the visual styles we wanted to present. When building a connected world you want to lay the foundations of ideas that appear in later issues so they feel natural for the audience. For instance, Jumpstart begins the story atop the Omicron Building; a skyscraper in the center of the city that, initially, just serves as vantage point for Jumpstart. In later issues, however, it would be revealed to be the structure housing a cybernetic virus that threatens the free will of the people. The cover seen here is actually the special, San Diego Comic Con variant cover that we collaborated on with a local artist.
‘All My Friends Are Ghosts:’ Graphic Novel Review
Released March 12, 2020
Published by Fanbase Press
One of the last books I reviewed at Fanbase Press came out a few days before the global pandemic that would change most of our lives for the foreseeable future. When selecting the reviews I’d share here I landed on this because I felt it was indicative of my standard layout of reviews. When reviewing a piece of media I like to follow a clear, essay-like structure to make it quickly accessible for new readers.
‘A Sparrow’s Roar:’ Graphic Novel Review
Released December 2, 2019
Published by Fanbase Press
Something that has always been very important to me is elevating lesser known stories. When picking what to review I tried to balance between picking stories that I was familiar with and could speak as an authority on and picking stories that were new and had a chance of surprising me. The method frequently bore fruit as I found hidden gems like A Sparrow’s Roar.
‘The Twilight Man: Rod Serling and the Birth of Television’ – Advance Graphic Novel Review
Released October 2, 2019
Published by Fanbase Press
Reviewing a story about someone’s actual life is a tricky affair; part of the story’s job is to recount the truth, and the truth doesn’t always follow a three act structure. The most clever stories of this type find a way to blend surrealism to add a dash of cinematography without sacrificing the facts; like having this particular biography narrated by Rod Serling himself. When you review these biographical stories you’re ultimately asking yourself if the creators succeeded at walking the tightrope of truth and engagement.
‘Ophiuchus:’ Trade Paperback Review
Released August 21, 2019
Published by Fanbase Press
It’s almost embarrassing how much I loved Ophiuchus. Originality and style always go a long way for me and Ophiuchus has both in spades. Creating comics and graphic novels isn’t just about putting words to pages with pictures around them; you also have to think about how page layout, lettering, and the frames themselves play into things. The best comics make clever use of all these elements to tell a story that breaks out of the page and becomes something transformative.
‘William Gibson’s Alien 3:’ Advance Hardcover Review
Released July 22, 2019
Published by Fanbase Press
While I spent a lot of my time writing reviews trying to get out of my comfort zone, I sometimes liked to return to franchises that I knew intimately to give a fan’s perspective. After all, when reading a review of an Alien story wouldn’t one want an Alien fan telling them their thoughts? I adored reading this story and writing this review. Considering how difficult it is to find a copy of this graphic novel I’m especially lucky I got the chance to review it.
‘Waves:’ Hardcover Review
Released May 8, 2019
Published by Fanbase Press
Waves was another standout story during my time with Fanbase Press. Equally beautiful and heartbreaking, the story resonates with me more and more as I get older. Every medium is invariably pushed into certain boxes; being labeled as “just for kids” or “immature” or some such. And just as invariably stories like Waves comes along to show that art forms can’t be so easily defined.
‘Green River Killer (Second Edition):’ Advance Hardcover Review
Released January 28, 2019
Published by Fanbase Press
During my time at Fanbase Press I strove to write about genres and properties that wouldn’t normally appeal to me. Through that I found a unique true crime novel in the form of Green River Killer. Heavier, darker, and less fantastical than the usual graphic novel, this book still managed to wow me. Writing about topics I wasn’t as well versed in gave me a chance to expand my abilities.
‘Hex Vet: Witches in Training’ – Graphic Novel Review
Released December 13, 2018
Published by Fanbase Press
Choosing to review Hex Vet was motivated by my desire to seek out new and untested stories over parts of larger properties like Marvel or DC. Indie comics hold a very special place in my heart and I think they inspired some of my strongest reviews. When a review is truly excited about what they are reviewing I think it shows.
‘Tangled: The Series – Let Down Your Hair’ – Trade Paperback Review
Released August 2, 2018
Published by Fanbase Press
Part of writing reviews is letting bits of one’s own personality shine through the review. This allows readers to get a feel for if the reviewer has the same general interests as them. A reviewer who loves fantasy and science fiction is going to be better for a reader who likes those genres more than a reviewer who likes historical dramas and true crime. And it benefits no one in the reviewing landscape to hide that information from readers. So, with reviews like this, I tried to illustrate my passion for Disney properties without distracting from the purposes of the review.
‘A Girl in the Himalayas:’ Graphic Novel Review
Released April 26, 2018
Published by Fanbase Press
A Girl in the Himalayas was the very first story that I reviewed for Fanbase Press and even all these years later it remains one of my favorites. It set a tone for how I would approach reviewing stories; rewarding creativity and unique storytelling. It also taught me about the tightrope a review walks between seeking out things they love and can review with passion, and dipping their toes into unexplored areas to allow themselves, and their readers, a chance to be surprised.
Want to read more of my reviews? A list of the reviews I wrote between 2018 and 2020 can be found at Fanbase Press. My reviews spanned literature from obscure French novels to webcomics turned mangas and are an excellent summation of the traits I hold dear in the art of writing.
The Callingwood Suicides
Throughout my career I’ve had a multitude of stories and pieces that I’ve left unpublished for one reason or the other. Some I simply improved from since their writing and I know I could do better with new stories. Others I’ve never quite found the right medium to release them. The Callingwood Suicides is a horror novella I wrote in 2014 that I wrote and edited with the team at A.L.Ex LLC and I just never got around to publishing. Now, ten years later, I feel my writing has far outstripped this early story from my career; but I’m still quite proud of what I accomplished with it.
A psychological thriller set in the fictional town of Callingwood, Delaware, The Callingwood Suicides follows a series of unexplained deaths that ravage the rural town and the mysterious humming man who walks the streets at night.
Fire Unto Dark
On the other side of the spectrum from Callingwood, Fire Unto Dark is a science fiction novel that I’ve been working on and off with for the last decade. The idea was to model a science fiction setting off of real life conflicts of the 1700s and 1800s; when travel and communication were far more limited. It still mostly lives in outlines and piles of notes but several years ago I wrote the opening chapter, and I’ve remained happy with it.
Fire Unto Dark is set in the Gawa Sector, a distant part of space colonized by The Solar Confederacy. The sentient species that live in the Gawa Sector are in open revolt as they each try to claim the sector for themselves. When Earth sends the might of its galactic navy to restore order the alien species realize they must either work together or be subjected once again.
The Stairwell Listens
I originally wrote The Stairwell Listens for a writing competition but as I fleshed out the story I realized it had grown far beyond the contest’s word limit. For this particular horror short I wanted to capture the unique feeling of dread that comes from being outside one’s home. Home is our nest, our place of safety and security. When we’re denied access to it, even when we’re just a few feet away from it, a special sort of terror sets in. Especially when you thought you were about to be home again.
The Stairwell Listens is set in the stairwell of the protagonist’s apartment building. When he becomes trapped in it after a workout his own fears and insecurities slowly begin to send the protagonist on a downward spiral. Whether there even is a real threat to his safety is left for the reader to decide.
Eyes and Teeth
After I had finished editing The Callingwood Suicides I decided to try my hand at a shorter horror story. Eyes and Teeth is a short story set in the same universe as Callingwood, twenty years earlier. When it comes to writing horror I like to choose a focal point; some sort of terror the story is built around. For Callingwood this was the body horror of a shapeshifter, and for Eyes and Teeth I wanted to play with the iconic imagery of a creature’s eyes and teeth glinting in the darkness. We’ve all seen stories that involve some beast peering at its next victim from the shadows, but the mystery of what could be is often more terrifying than what is ultimately revealed. I wanted to craft a story where that mystery remained until the very last instant; giving the audience only the eyes and teeth of the monster to sculpt their fears around.
Eyes and Teeth follows Zeke Metzger as he returns to his family farm, fully intent on selling the run down estate, until a mysterious entity in the house begins to remind Zeke of his repressed memories about the place. Who, or what, lurks in the house is anyone’s guess. All Zeke sees is a pair of bulging eyes and bone white teeth.
Fall of Fire
While working on MANIA my team was pursuing a small side project: creating tabletop modules for the game Pathfinder. Modules are pre-made adventures for tabletop games that people can purchase and play without needing to create a story, setting, and dangers. The module handles all the world building so the players can just enjoy the ride.
We spent a few months developing Fall of Fire, which was to be the first in our series of modules. I wrote the first handful of drafts before A.L.Ex LLC was dissolved and the team went separate ways. Ever since the project has been shelved; but it still serves as an example of the blend between creative writing and technical writing that I did while at A.L.Ex.
Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that one of my most singular obsessions is tabletop gaming. I love weaving interactive stories for my friends and family where they get to be the main characters. I firmly believe that you can do far more than just play a game on a tabletop. The medium is a burgeoning art form; one that is going to see an explosion of popularity in the coming years. It’s already begun with the likes of Critical Role and Dimension 20.
For myself, I use my tabletop games to hone my writing. While I, as of yet, haven’t transformed any of my games into published properties I still believe their quality shines on their own.
The next few entries are excerpts from just a handful of my sessions. A Faint Rose is my most popular game; following a pair of couriers hired to transport goods through the mythical land of the Fey. During their time there they have become embroiled in conflicts between the Fae Courts, invading demons, a cult, and a nation embroiled in civil war.
This excerpt is an in-universe fairy tale that reveals the origins of one of the primary antagonists. When writing this section I intentionally styled it after medieval children’s stories like those found in the Grimms' Fairy Tales; using a simplified sentence structure and intentional repetition of phrases to emphasis points.
In Other Worlds
The size and scope of a tabletop game can rival even full length novel. My campaign, In Other Worlds, recently passed 400,000 words, putting it on par with The Lord of the Rings in terms of length. A Faint Rose follows close behind at 250,000 words. There’s a classic piece of writing advice; “everyone has 1 million bad words in them. Before you can be a good writer you have to get those million bad words out.” My tabletop games are a part of how I do that; ever refining my craft while also creating meaningful art for the people in my life.
In Other Worlds is among my most ambitious stories; telling the tale of five humans who find themselves pulled from their mundane lives on Earth to a world of fantasy and wonder. Caught in a war between unfeeling gods and an iconoclastic order, these humble humans are forced to make decisions that change the fate of both worlds.
This particular excerpt comes from a vision the party shared; a ritual spell they performed to learn of the hobgoblin wizard Rajul the Accordant.
Tabletop games allow us to explore a variety of different genres and methods of storytelling. From sessions that break the fourth wall to ones that are told entirely in reverse, you can test your writing capabilities in a limitless number of ways. When The Snow Melts was built around the idea of exploring an urban environment. Most fantasy novels take heroes on wild quests across the world. I wanted to tell a more real, human story in a single setting.
To that end I built a story set in a New York-style metropolis recovering from the after shocks of a world wide conflict and a burgeoning cold war. The protagonists aren’t would-be adventurers but poor sellswords just looking to survive from paycheck to paycheck. The story is grittier, rougher, and meaner than most tabletop games, and that is exactly what makes it so compelling for myself and for the players. It takes us out of the comfort zone.
The excerpt found here comes from an in-universe memoir about a deserter of the Wyrmm War. Equivalent in many ways to World War II, the Wyrmm War and its effects informs much of the campaign. This excerpt was read to the players at the start of the campaign to set the scene for the world they were entering.
Released March, 2024
Published by Brianna Flores
Withered Dragon
Release Date TBD
by Nile Straznickas
Pilgrim’s Progress: The Graphic Novel
Released January 2018
Published by Whistle Key Books
Joe Hero #3
Released October 2017
Published by Calvin Nye
John is Different
Release Date TBD
by Jonathan Carlander
Joe Hero #2
Released August 2017
Published by Calvin Nye